Monday, December 28, 2009

She's getting tested tomorrow!

Her 10 day quarantine is up, she's going in tomorrow to get her ELISA test done. Keeping all fingers and paws crossed that she comes out negative.

She's been doing really well over the last few days, she's eating well, moving around like a bolt and her head is much more straightly held than it was before.

I've been calling her Zuzu, after Zuzu Bailey from Its A Wonderful Life. Its a Christmas movie, I found her near Christmas. Zuzu gets sick after going outside without her coat done up, cat was sick from being outside buried in a snowdrift-no coat at all!

Its tough, because if she is positive I'll have to have her PTS. I can't and won't risk my own animals getting sick (one of my cats has severe vaccine reactions, and can't get the FeLeuk vaccine). I can't adopt her out, I don't trust people well enough. I'm sure people have good enough intentions, but they'd always have to keep her inside, never get another cat (or get another Feleuk + cat)...

I don't think anyone is reading this, but if you are keep her in your thoughts tomorrow, send good wishes her way.

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